Official offers no possible motive, but such killings frequently involve score settling between rival cartel members or battle for control of prison's illicit ...
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Ce vendredi 5 juillet 2024, le quadragénaire qui a mortellement percuté, Noé, un jeune antibois, a été condamné par le tribunal correctionnel de Grasse à ...
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L'acteur Saïd Bogota, connu pour son rôle dans "Pattaya", a fait appel de sa condamnation à 16 ans de prison pour tentative d'assassinat, a indiqué le ...
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Army and local civil rights group blame Allied Democratic Forces (ADF), an Islamist armed group, for raiding village of Tchabi and a camp for displaced people ...
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President Teodoro Obiang Nguema said in a statement that the explosion was the result of "negligent handling of dynamite" in the military barracks in the ...
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Crackdown against opponents of Myanmar's military takeover intensified Sunday as security forces were reported to have fired on protesters
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The Turkish defense ministry said in a statement the bomb attack took place in an industrial site at the center of the town and wounded 22 people, blaming the ...
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Authorities say the bus was crossing railway track when train struck vehicle near railway station some 63 kilometers east of Bangkok
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Officials believe the weapons were hidden in food and other items smuggled into the prison when inmates receive visits twice a week
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