Official offers no possible motive, but such killings frequently involve score settling between rival cartel members or battle for control of prison's illicit ...
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Police said about 2,000 people have been arrested in Oromia Regional State after Hachalu Hundessa was killed June 29 by unidentified attackers
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Philip Luther, research and advocacy director for the Middle East and North Africa at Amnesty International, called for an 'independent and impartial' ...
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No group immediately claimed responsibility for the dawn assault in Kabul, which came after nearly three months of relative calm in the Afghan capital
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More than 100 Rohingyas packed aboard overcrowded boat as they attempted to flee refugee camps in Bangladesh, where over 700,000 have been living since fleeing ...
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Official offers no possible motive, but such killings frequently involve score settling between rival cartel members or battle for control of prison's illicit ...
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