Dans un rapport, Human Rights Watch (HRW) pointe à nouveau du doigt les FAMa, les forces armées maliennes. Elles sont accusées de "massacre" dans le village ...
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L'ONG a publié un premier rapport sur des cas de "violations des droits de la guerre". Il s'appuie notamment sur des témoignages recueillis dans les zones ...
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Pékin se sert des Jeux olympiques d'hiver pour masquer son « terrible » bilan en matière des droits de l'homme, a dénoncé le patron de Human Rights ...
Dans un document de 26 pages, L'Ong Human Rights Watch dénonce de "graves violations des droits de l'Homme" des deux côtés de la frontière entre la Pologne ...
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63 human rights groups and international organizations call on Egypt to release political detainees and stop suppression of independent organizations and those ...
La police française ne respecterait ni le droit français ni le droit international en reconduisant sommairement à la frontière italienne des mineurs ...
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C'est la première fois qu'une grande ONG internationale de défense des droits humains reprend le terme « apartheid » à son compte
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L'organisation de défense des droits humains Human Rights Watch a qualifié "d'apartheid" la politique d'Israël à l'égard des Arabes sur son sol e...
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The US State Department did not respond to a VOA Persian request for comment as Iran's critics pointed to its poor record on women's rights
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The group is calling for unhindered access to conduct investigations and encouraging business to scrutinize their supply chains for evidence of forced labor ...
In VOA Persian interview, Robert Malley says Biden is taking a more principled approach' by pushing for respect of human rights throughout world, including in ...
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Since President Ndayishimiye assumed power, he has promised to promote the rule of law, make the judicial system more impartial, and strengthen reconciliation
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Cracks are emerging in the firewall that until now has protected some of the world's powerful nations from being scrutinized by the UN Human Rights Council
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Tom Andrews says the youth are sacrificing for their future and do not want to return to the military rule their parents and grandparents lived under
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National Unity Platform reports alleged human rights violations and state-inspired abductions linked to last month's contested election
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