White House National Security Adviser Robert O'Brien says security law, proposed by Beijing, would allow China to 'basically take over Hong Kong'
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Secretary of State Mike Pompeo imposed sanctions on two judges with Branch 1 of Revolutionary Court of Shiraz as well as three prisons where he said human ...
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12 were arrested on Aug. 23 for illegal entry into mainland Chinese waters after setting off from Hong Kong in a boat bound for self-ruled Taiwan
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Department of Homeland Security acting Deputy Secretary Kenneth Cuccinelli says the administration was conducting more legal analysis of the region-wide import ...
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Department of Homeland Security acting Deputy Secretary Kenneth Cuccinelli says the administration was conducting more legal analysis of the region-wide import ...
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Taiwan agreed this month to buy the American-made fighter jets for $8 billion. China, which spars with both Taiwan and the United States, is replying with its ...
Ending of agreements latest move by Trump administration in response to China's strict new national security law imposed on Hong Kong
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