The target of protests that erupted last year against a political class accused of pillaging the state, Gebran Bassil says sanctions don't scare him
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Les sanctions américaines visant Abdel Fattah al-Burhan manquent de justice et sont sans fondement, a déclaré le ministère soudanais des Affaires ...
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Les restrictions imposées par Washington rendent inaccessibles des équipements médicaux complexes et de nombreux médicaments, expliquent à Sputnik des ...
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Freiné par les Etats-Unis dans le domaine des semi-conducteurs, le groupe Huawei disposeraient des outils permettant de graver des puces jusqu'en 14 nm.
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Actions, foreshadowed for weeks by the administration, represent the first retaliatory measures announced against the Kremlin for the hack, familiarly known as ...
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Senior State Department official told reporters Friday that second round of indirect talks with Iran and other world powers would be held in middle of next week ...
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Tony Hernandez, 42, was found guilty in October 2019 on four counts, including conspiring to import cocaine into the United States, possessing machine guns and ...
Two members of the US Commission on International Religious Freedom, a Canadian MP and a Canadian parliamentary committee on human rights are prohibited from ...
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President Joe Biden warns that more punitive action could be taken against the generals in Myanmar if the situation further/deteriorates
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Chinese officials and their families face US travel restrictions, while 60 Chinese companies are curbed from doing normal business in the US
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