Charlotte, North Carolina's biggest city, has had more confirmed coronavirus cases and more deaths from the virus than anywhere else in the state
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Lesser-known Constitutional provision allowing simple majority of Congress to impose lifetime ban on former president could open a Pandora's box
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The measure, passed by Congress on Monday, includes help for businesses to keep workers employed, as well as direct payments to individuals; the president says ...
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Heidi Stirrup, an ally of top Trump adviser Stephen Miller, was quietly installed at the Justice Department as a White House liaison a few months ago
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The Rose Garden remarks will be his first since the media declared former Vice President Joe Biden the projected winner of the Nov. 3 election last Saturday
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The lawsuit claims Pennsylvania officials violated the U.S. Constitution by creating a two-tiered voting system where voting in-person was subject to more ...
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Joe Biden's North Carolina lead is within the margin of error; the state's 15 electoral votes could help tip the balance for the eventual victor
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In North Carolina, a battleground where 1.4 million, or 20%, of the state's registered voters had voted as of Sunday morning, Biden urged residents to cast ...
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