L'ONG Human rights watch a pu documenter plusieurs cas de violations des lois de la guerre par les forces militaires russes à l'encontre de civils dans les ...
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63 human rights groups and international organizations call on Egypt to release political detainees and stop suppression of independent organizations and those ...
Despite the militant group's denials, several reports and statements from the international community have blamed it for the violence against media workers, ...
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The group is calling for unhindered access to conduct investigations and encouraging business to scrutinize their supply chains for evidence of forced labor ...
In VOA Persian interview, Robert Malley says Biden is taking a more principled approach' by pushing for respect of human rights throughout world, including in ...
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Civil servants join in as many of the protesters chant 'Long live Mother Suu,' a reference to the deposed Suu Kyi, and, 'We don't want military dictatorship'
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UN human rights office is appealing to neighboring countries to use their influence to ensure a peaceful resolution of this crisis
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HRW official says humanitarian law requires that POWs be protected and calls on Azerbaijani authorities to immediately end inhumane treatment
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The more than week-long conflict in Ethiopia between federal government and regional ruling party TPLF has forced more than 20,000 people to flee to Sudan, ...
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The protests come amid rising tensions between France and Muslim-majority nations, which flared up earlier this month when a young Muslim beheaded a French ...
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22-Year-Old Yahaya Sharif-Aminu was sentenced to death by Sharia court for song, shared on social media, that allegedly blasphemed Prophet Muhammed
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