The disclosure of Falwell's resignation followed the publication of news stories about his wife's sexual encounters with a much younger business partner
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Hollywood Foreign Press Association has pledged to thoroughly reform, and last week approved a plan to, among other things, diversity its membership
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The Hollywood Foreign Press Association has come under fire following an investigative report in February that recounted the organization's questionable record ...
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'I'm not aware of what the US specifically wants Pakistan to do. Pakistan's effort toward peace does not depend on the US asking Pakistan,' Arif Alvi says
Iranian monarchists, republicans welcome comments by US-based Reza Pahlavi in VOA Persian interview, but say he also raised new questions about his political ...
Complaint alleges Falwell crafted 'well-resourced exit strategy' from presidency of school in the form of a 2019 employment agreement while withholding key ...
Withdrawal date is 20 years to the day after al Qaida's attacks triggered America's longest war, three sources familiar with the decision told Reuters
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Russia's government made "misleading or unsubstantiated allegations" against then-candidate Joe Biden through allies of former President Trump and his ...
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The main oil fields are in territory in the country's northeast, a region where the US-allied Kurdish SDF hold sway and depend on the oil for income
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