The flash flood in Uttarakhand state, triggered by what scientists said could have been a large avalanche of glacier ice, sent water, rocks and debris surging ...
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In VOA interview, informed source said lawyers for Amir Hossein Moradi, Mohammad Rajabi and Saeid Tamjidi plan to ask judiciary to release the men on bail when ...
Latest determination follows State Department's actions on Feb. 18 and June 22, for a total of 15 Chinese outlets designated as foreign missions this year
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Several cases show how Chinese police are working through Thai law enforcement agencies, or even traveling to Thailand on their own, to try to find fleeing ...
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At a meeting in Hawaii with a top Chinese diplomat, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo urged China to reveal all it knows about the pandemic
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Move comes after months of criticism from experts that Brazil's statistics are woefully deficient, and in some cases manipulated, so it may never be possible to ...
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According to the Department of Veterans Affairs, more than 1,000 veterans have been killed by the coronavirus; that does not include hundreds more who have died ...
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China is reporting its lowest number of new virus infections in six weeks and hundreds of patients in the stricken city that is the outbreak's epicenter are ...
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China's virus death toll rose by 89 on Sunday to 811, passing the number of fatalities in the 2002-2003 SARS epidemic, but fewer new cases were reported in a ...
Across platforms, many Wuhan residents and others speak out against China's response to the coronavirus outbreak, yet beneath the outrage some just 'go about ...
Countries have began evacuating their citizens from the Chinese city hardest-hit by a new virus that has now infected more people in China than were sickened in ...
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Government steps up efforts to restrict travel, public gatherings while rushing medical staff, supplies to city at center of outbreak
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China has shut down Wuhan and other cities in the Hubei province, which is the center of the outbreak of the newly identified coronavirus
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