The announcement was significant, enabling McConnell to bypass for now Democratic demands for new testimony as he launches the third impeachment trial in the ...
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Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador made the announcement on Twitter where he said that his symptoms are mild and that he is already undergoing medical treatment
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Democratic challenger and his wife Jill send thoughts to President Donald Trump, his opponent in November election, and Trump's wife Melania, who both tested ...
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Trump did not give details about the larger immigration order he says he plans to sign, only that it will include DACA, and I think people are going to be very ...
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228-193 nearly party-line vote moved Trump's impeachment from Speaker Nancy Pelosi's Democratic-run House to the Republican-majority Senate, where Trump expects ...
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The announcement was significant, enabling McConnell to bypass for now Democratic demands for new testimony as he launches the third impeachment trial in the ...
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