Nevada becomes third state to cast votes for the person who will represent the Democratic Party in November's election against President Trump
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Call comes after technical problems ruined plans to produce accurate and timely vote counts in state-by-state selection process of Democratic presidential ...
Democrats in the state of Iowa began the 2020 presidential primary campaign Monday with its presidential caucus voting. But the Iowa Democratic Party said the ...
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Les caucus démocrates et républicains se tiennent lundi soir dans l'Iowa, un Etat du Midwest des Etats-Unis, donnant le coup d'envoi à la primaire de ...
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Candidates and their surrogates are engaged in a mad dash across Iowa's 99 counties to encourage voters to show up Monday night for the caucuses
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Madison County, Iowa, gained nationwide attention because of its many bridges that inspired a novel and movie but in real life its politics now dominating that ...
With the large field of candidates and the tight polling numbers among the four leading candidates turnout for Democrats is expected to be high
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The Iowa caucuses, to be held on Feb. 3, will kick off the 2020 US presidential primary season, to be followed within days by the New Hampshire primary
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