John Major and Tony Blair slam the current British government for 'shaming' the country with legislation that, in places, goes against the very deal it signed ...
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With the discussions stuck over the same issues for months, Johnson and Ursula von der Leyen, the president of the EU's executive European Commission, will see ...
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Johnson's Conservative government has acknowledged that the bill breaches the legally binding withdrawal treaty that Britain and the EU have both ratified
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The EU has ramped up no-deal Brexit preparations while Britain has dismissed an ultimatum from Brussels to scrap the main parts of the bill by the end of ...
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John Major and Tony Blair slam the current British government for 'shaming' the country with legislation that, in places, goes against the very deal it signed ...
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Brexit negotiations hit new low midweek as European Union's top leaders in Brussels reacted angrily to British prime minister's plans to override a key part of ...
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C'est ce vendredi que le Royaume-Uni quitte l'Union Européenne. Pour tenter de réconcilier un pays divisé, Boris Johnson a prévu une politique économique ...
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Par instinct plus que par conviction, le Premier ministre britannique applique une politique redistributrice et met la collectivité au centre du discours. Pari ...
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