Move follows years of pressure from advocates who say that tobacco products are targeted at African Americans and are responsible for higher death rates in this ...
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Une information pour les trois millions de vapoteurs : l'arôme fruits rouges est dangereux ! C'est ce que révèle une étude très sérieuse parue dans la ...
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L'approbation récente par la Food and Drug Administration (FDA) des premières cigarettes électroniques aromatisées au menthol aux États-Unis a suscité de ...
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L'administration de Joe Biden a déclaré vendredi avoir décidé de repousser à plus tard l'interdiction des cigarettes au menthol aux États-Unis, devenue ...
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The Treasury Department will enforce and update on a 'rolling basis' the new ban list, which replaces one from the Department of Defense; officials say the new ...
Registration period is set from May 25 to November 22; Department of Homeland Security announces that about 1,600 Burmese nationals 'continuously residing' in ...
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The 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals will hear arguments in the case that will likely have far-ranging consequences as more states follow conservative Idaho's ...
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Move follows years of pressure from advocates who say that tobacco products are targeted at African Americans and are responsible for higher death rates in this ...
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Les autorités sanitaires américaines se sont engagées jeudi 29 avril à interdire les cigarettes mentholées aux Etats-Unis, défendant une mesure qui ...
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