Aaron Zelinsky, who withdrew from the Roger Stone case in protest, will testify on Wednesday before the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives Judiciary ...
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Trump administration is extending a ban on green cards issued outside the United States until the end of the year and adding many temporary work visas to the ...
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Trump's efforts to harness the culture wars may be more difficult than four years ago. Polls show that some of the cultural shifts that took hold during Obama's ...
The administration contends Bolton did not complete a pre-publication review to ensure the manuscript did not contain classified material
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Trump's reported plans to withdraw 9,500 troops from Germany, one of America's strongest allies, and relocate them to Poland and elsewhere has drawn the ire of ...
Announcing steps to address economic disparity and police reform, the president also says progress cannot be made if millions of decent Americans are labeled ...
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Defense Secretary says he would not support invoking the Insurrection Act, which would allow president to use active duty troops for law enforcement to help ...
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Declaring acts of domestic terror' have been committed by violent demonstrators, president vows to end the riots and lawlessness that has spread throughout ...
President Trump said he was taking hydroxychloroquine as a measure of protection against the virus, even though its effectiveness isn't proven
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L'interdiction temporaire d'entrée aux Etats-Unis des voyageurs en provenance d'Europe, décrétée par le président américain Donald Trump, a provoqué ...
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The outcome could have huge consequences at a time when several states have passed laws, being challenged in the courts that would ban abortions after a fetal ...
US-Taliban deal aimed at withdrawing American troops from Afghanistan; Trump calls on Taliban, Afghan government to 'seize opportunity'
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President Donald Trump said national security concerns, which had been cited as reasoning for the plans, should not be used as an excuse to make it difficult ...
Event was believed to be his most expensive fundraiser ever, with invitations going to donors who gave $580,600 per couple, according to The Washington Post
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Franco, who ruled Spain from 1939 until his death in 1975, ordered the execution or imprisonment of tens of thousands of his enemies; yet the country is still ...