'Roll Up Your Sleeves,' airing Sunday, will feature Matthew McConaughey interviewing Dr. Anthony Fauci to help separate 'fact from fiction' about the vaccines, ...
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Dozens of wealthy nations join COVID-19 vaccine allocation plan, which aims to provide equitable access to the vaccine doses for 92 low- and lower middle-income ...
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Memo says health care professionals, long-term care facility employees and other essential workers, national security employees, should receive initial priority
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Scientists voice increasing confidence about development of vaccines, but warn governments aren't spending enough to avoid shortfalls in doses
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US also says it will not participate in a global initiative to develop, manufacture and equally distribute a vaccine for COVID-19 because WHO is taking a ...
Experimental vaccines must pass tests that are more stringent than those in other trials because they'll be administered to healthy people
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Many experts express skepticism about Russian vaccine after government declared its intention to give it to high-risk groups in October without data from large ...
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Bill Cassidy, a physician from Baton Rouge who regularly wears a mask when in public and on Capitol Hill, said in a statement that he was tested after being ...
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Quatre nouveaux centres de dépistage du coronavirus ont ouvert ce mardi 18 août 2020, à Caen, Bayeux et Hérouville-Saint-Clair (Calvados). Ainsi qu'un ...
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Quatre nouveaux centres de dépistage du Covid-19 fixes ainsi qu'un centre éphémère ont ouvert ce mardi 18 août 2020, dans le Calvados.À Caen, un centre ...
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La clinique mutualiste du Médoc jalonne l'été de stands d'informations et conseils. Le bon usage du port du masque, le lavage des mains efficace, où et ...
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Mike DeWine's test was performed as matter of standard protocol in preparation for him getting ready to greet visiting President Donald Trump at Cleveland ...
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Economists say pensions funds have billions of dollars invested in commercial property, seen before the pandemic as a safe long-term bet
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