Duo accused of spreading separatist information in restive province, where one million ethnic Muslims are being detained under a system the US has described as ...
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The protesters marched through the Dhaka University campus and Dhaka's streets toward the country's Home Ministry to also demand the annulment of the digital ...
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Source tells VOA Persian a court in Urmia notified Salar Taher Afhar's lawyer of sentence on Jan. 2 after convicting the activist for joining pro-Azerbaijan ...
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In VOA interview, informed source said lawyers for Amir Hossein Moradi, Mohammad Rajabi and Saeid Tamjidi plan to ask judiciary to release the men on bail when ...
In a Tuesday interview with VOA, an informed source said Arezoo Mohammadi and Banafsheh Mokhtari voluntarily reported to prison in eastern city of Birjand on ...
A Sharia court has ordered 22-year-old Yahaya Aminu Sharif to die by hanging for derogatory expressions against the Prophet Mohammed in one of his songs
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Ruhollah Zam had been living and working in exile in Paris before being lured into returning to Iran, where he was arrested in October 2019 under still ...
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