A night-time curfew has ended, and all primary schools will reopen in two weeks' time, while about 130,000 people will be allowed back to work
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Articles similaires à Australia Gradually Eases Its Toughest COVID-19 Lockdown in Melbourne
According to the government's website, no area of Scotland is currently at an alert level higher that three, which still allows for hospitality businesses to be ...
LIBÉRATION - Alors que l'Europe réfléchit sérieusement à des scénarios de reconfinement, la donne est tout autre en Australie. Trois mois après leur ...
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Melbourne est sorti de trois mois de confinement mercredi 28 octobre, dont deux mois avec un couvre-feu. Les cinq millions d'habitants de la deuxième ville ...
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Victoria state has been at the center of Australia's COVID-19 crisis, It has had the majority of infections and almost 90 percent of the nation's virus ...
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Sous la pression des habitants, le Premier ministre de l'État du Victoria, en Australie, a décidé, lundi, de lever le confinement imposé depuis trois mois ...
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Foreign travelers were banned from Australia to curb the spread of COVID-19 in March, but citizens and permanent residents have been allowed to come home
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