Scores are still missing after snowslide in Taliban-controlled area in Badakhshan province, making communication and rescue efforts difficult
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Articles similaires à At Least 14 Killed in Afghanistan Avalanche
Strike comes three days after Turkish President Erdogan warned Iraq that Turkey would 'clean up' a refugee camp, which it says provides a haven for Kurdish ...
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Army and local civil rights group blame Allied Democratic Forces (ADF), an Islamist armed group, for raiding village of Tchabi and a camp for displaced people ...
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The mass shooting happened during the early hours at a billiards hall on a commercial estate near Miami Gardens, to the northwest of the coastal city's downtown
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A cable car of a funicular which travels between the resort town of Stresa to the top of Mottarone mountain in Italy's Piedmont region, crashed to the ground ...
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Two are seriously injured after cable car connecting Italy's Maggiore lake with mountain close by plunged, national alpine rescue service says
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Two are seriously injured after cable car connecting Italy's Maggiore lake with mountain close by plunged, national alpine rescue service says
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Disaster took place on Saturday in remote Siguiri province, 800 km (500 miles) from capital Conakry; zone holds some of West African country's largest gold ...
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Thursday's operation was aimed at investigating the recruitment of teenagers to hijack trains and commit other crimes, police said in a statement
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Au moins quatorze personnes ont été tuées et 90 blessées vendredi dans l'explosion d'une voiture piégée dans l'est de l'Afghanistan, a-t-on appris de ...
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'While a suspect is still at large, it appears this is a domestic situation that is isolated and there is no risk to the general public,' Austin police said on ...
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