Un homme de Floride a été arrêté pour avoir utilisé son arme lundi dans le hall d'un hôtel de Miami Beach, où il s'est emporté contre une mère et son ...
Committee says military cannot be used to quell peaceful protests except under exceptional circumstances and says police must be identified at all times
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"Si la situation l'exige, la réintroduction de mesures plus strictes et ciblées, avec l'engagement total des populations, peut être nécessaire", selon ...
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A UNICEF-sponsored competition has sparked ideas from some 80,000 Nigerians on community-based solutions to the coronavirus pandemic
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Having relied on overseas vaccine developers during the swine flu pandemic a decade ago and missed out, Thailand is keen to develop its own supplies this time ...
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À Vannes, le docteur Paré a détecté, fin février, les premiers cas de coronavirus. Lundi soir à Quiberon, les passagers du Tire-bouchon ont dû attendre ...
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Authorities in Catalonia urge more than 96,000 people in three towns to stay at home, as coronavirus cases continued to rise in one of Spain's worst-hit regions
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Health officials say the figure was based on serological blood tests that measure exposure to the illness and that cannot be relied on to show the current state ...
US, British and Canadian officials accuse Kremlin of being behind massive and ongoing cyber hack aimed at stealing from Western pharmaceutical companies and ...
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A Facebook group of activists is providing testimony and evidence to prosecutors investigating whether any crimes contributed to Italy's COVID-19 toll
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#EtAprès. Pour réfléchir à la crise du Covid-19 et à la période qui lui succédera , franceinfo donne la parole à des intellectuels, experts et ...
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