President Kenyatta says the phased reopening is meant to strike a balance between containing the virus and sustaining the country's economic life
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African nations face difficult choice as infections are rapidly rising: Welcome international flights that originally brought COVID-19, or further hurt their ...
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Country could soon see 100,000 COVID-19 cases per day, more than double the current figure, top US infectious disease specialist warns
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Most of Victoria's new coronavirus cases are linked to clusters, often within extended families; other larger groups of infections have been detected at two ...
Sickle cell patients in Cameroon say the genetic disorder primarily seen in people of African descent puts them more at risk of COVID-19
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Moldova, one of the poorest countries in Europe and plagued by corruption and political turmoil, confirmed 1,449 new cases of COVID-19 the week of June 1-7, ...
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Health experts warn that ongoing political rallies, coupled with return of people from South Africa, puts Malawi at higher risk of more COVID-19 cases in near ...
Demand for hydroxychloroquine, a drug approved decades ago, surged after Trump touted its use as a coronavirus treatment in early April
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Joe Biden offre à sa candidature à la Maison Blanche un tournant numérique en multipliant par deux son équipe en charge de sa présence en ligne. Le ...
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Après une campagne secouée par les rebondissements, Bernie Sanders a abandonné mercredi 8 avril la course à la Maison Blanche en promettant de travailler ...
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Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden is taking aim at President Donald Trump's decision to approve the airstrike that killed Iran's top military leader
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