What do you see is a narrative film that shows women in the lower class in different part of Nigeria struggling to survive and feed their family as they have ...
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Articles similaires à What do you see? - MFF Women's Empowerment
L'Elan Chalon était pour la première fois au collège de Cuisery pour la promotion du basket-ball, une opération qui a fait des heureux chez les ...
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La société américaine Boston Dynamics a démontré ce 29 décembre les nouvelles capacités de ses machines bipèdes. Désormais, les robots Atlas sont ...
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C'est déjà l'une des plus belles feel-good Vidéo de cette triste année 2020. La société de robotique Boston Dynamics a publié il y a quelques heures une ...
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Dans Astérix chez les Bretons, René Goscinny et Albert Uderzo se moquaient déjà du niveau d'anglais de nos ancêtres les Gaulois. Aujourd'hui, si l'on en ...
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Ce mardi-là, ce sont les CE2 de la classe de Laurence Lemoine qui en bénéficient. Une demi-heure sur le corps humain... en anglais. Donné Labranche, 39ans, ...
Evacuer à coups de matraques des malheureux plantant leurs tentes sur une grande place parisienne est insupportable. Mais les y installer pour servir son ...
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Florence posts a picture on Instagram. A picture she loves with her friend Marie on the beach this summer. But this picture is immediately censored by the ...
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The short film is about domestic violence. When UFC women's champion hears a woman scream in the apartment above, she comes running to help. Directed by: ...
As a secular straight student at Jewish University, I have witnessed the struggle of the Orthodox Jewish LGBTQ community to gain recognition from the ...
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This short film tells the story of an average girl going through genital mutilation. This still happens in a lot of underserved countries, and the girls are ...
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Because once we get used to it, nothing is serious anymore. Because an action takes its value when it exists in the eyes of people. For you, what is a bad day? ...
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What do you see is a narrative film that shows women in the lower class in different part of Nigeria struggling to survive and feed their family as they have ...
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Diana's job interview seems to be going perfectly... until she stands up. Directed by: Karanja Ng'endo & Riziki Ambrose Country: Kenya
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At the roman graveyard Cimitero Flaminio, several women, who got a terapeutic abortion, have discovered a place where their fetuses are buried. On the crosses ...
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When one half of humanity writes history, one wonders where the other half has gone. Quand une moitié de l'humanité écrit l'histoire, on peut se demander où ...
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Mariam, a fourteen year old rural Nigerian girl dreams of a better life when she grows up by becoming a teacher. But the decision her father made for her would ...
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Four women find themselves under attack when a man takes issue with their sticking feminist collages on the walls of the streets at night. The verbal ...
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