Le ministre russe des Finances ainsi que le dirigeant de la plus grande banque du pays ont déjà commenté les sanctions américaines, notamment l'interdiction ...
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Après l'adaptation ce jeudi de nouvelles sanctions américaines contre Moscou, le Royaume-Uni et la Pologne ont respectivement convoqué les ambassadeurs ...
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Actions, foreshadowed for weeks by the administration, represent the first retaliatory measures announced against the Kremlin for the hack, familiarly known as ...
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Senior State Department official told reporters Friday that second round of indirect talks with Iran and other world powers would be held in middle of next week ...
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Move lifts sanctions imposed on Fatou Bensouda over her investigation into whether American forces committed war crimes in Afghanistan
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Daily rallies across Myanmar by unarmed demonstrators demanding the restoration of the elected government have been met with tear gas, rubber bullets and live ...
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The Biden administration has been seeking to engage Iran in talks about both sides resuming compliance with the 2015 nuclear deal
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Faute d'accéder aux puces de Qualcomm, Huawei s'est tourné vers MediaTek, contribuant à lui assurer la première place mondiale en volume, en plus de la ...
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Gathered at Taipei's Liberty Square, demonstrators sat for hours singing songs, holding anti-coup posters and waving the Myanmar national flag
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Two members of the US Commission on International Religious Freedom, a Canadian MP and a Canadian parliamentary committee on human rights are prohibited from ...
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The general who commands all US special operations forces told lawmakers Thursday US support is critical to the success of Afghan security forces in standing up ...