Le principe est très simple : chaque jour de la semaine, retrouvez une image insolite ou humoristique sous forme de visuel, gif ou vidéo, en rapport avec la ...
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Le 1er épisode de The Last of Us est sorti partout dans le monde, même en France, et c'est un véritable succès. Au point même que la plateforme HBO Max a ...
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Avec la publication des tests et l'autorisation par Sony Interactive Entertainment de permettre à la presse de balancer ses propres vidéos de The Last of Us ...
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Le principe est très simple : chaque jour de la semaine, retrouvez une image insolite ou humoristique sous forme de visuel, Gif ou vidéo, en rapport avec la ...
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Government found 15 vaccine recipients who had developed rare blood clots, out of nearly 8 million people given the J&J shot; FDA, CDC decide J&J vaccine use is ...
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Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Food and Drug Administration cite reports of blood clots among six women after receiving dose
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Leading infectious disease expert says original strain of coronavirus is currently still 'dominant' in US but models show that British strain is spreading ...
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Drugmaker's application for its single-dose vaccine to US Food and Drug Administration follows January report that found the vaccine had a 66% rate of efficacy ...
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Mexico regulatory agency grants emergency authorization of/Russian Sputnik V vaccine as it prepares to launch vaccination program ///
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US administering a half million doses a day in last three days, but infectious disease expert says Biden goal of a million a day can be met
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US biotechnology company's request could mean that health workers will be able to inoculate patients against virus as soon as mid-December
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The Food and Drug Administration on Monday cleared the experimental drug from Eli Lilly for people 12 and older with mild or moderate COVID-19 not requiring ...
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In midafternoon trading, the bellwether Dow Jones Industrial Average of 30 key stocks surged more than 4%, while the broader S&P 500 average was ahead more than ...
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China in recent months has been injecting hundreds of thousands of people with three preliminary coronavirus vaccines that are being tested for safety and ...
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