If new guidelines adopted by US Food and Drug Administration, emergency authorization of new vaccine could come well after November 3 presidential election, ...
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If new guidelines adopted by US Food and Drug Administration, emergency authorization of new vaccine could come well after November 3 presidential election, ...
Meanwhile, American health officials warn public to get flu shots this year to avoid having to deal with COVID-19 and flu simultaneously
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Memo says health care professionals, long-term care facility employees and other essential workers, national security employees, should receive initial priority
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In question are orders issued at the height of the pandemic by the governors of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Michigan requiring nursing homes to ...
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Although many colleges and universities offer comprehensive reopening plans with mask-wearing and social distancing guidelines, research shows virus would still ...
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Nearly 1,500 fatalities reported on Wednesday, pushing single-day average of more than 1,000 deaths for more than two consecutive weeks
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ANALYSIS : Hydroxychloroquine works episode V: Germans say Wer heilt, hat Recht or He who heals is right. The German Covid-19 healthcare strategy of ...
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ANALYSIS : Hydroxychloroquine works episode IV, the proof by Italy. The widespread use of a therapy including hydroxychloroquine, as decreed by the Italians, ...
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