C'est 15 ans après la sortie du jeu que chez Developer Blueside, on décide de mettre à disposition la Bande-Son Originale de Kingdom Under Fire : Heroes ...
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Warplanes struck overnight at an airbase that was recently recaptured by Libya's internationally recognized government from eastern forces with help from ...
Presque 15 ans après sa sortie sur Xbox, Kingdom Under Fire: Heroes vient de débarquer sur PC, via Steam ou Gog.Ce mélange de RTS et d'action qui se déroule ...
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US C-40A, military version of Boeing 737, entered Taiwan air space with permission, though it did not land at any Taiwan airports, Taiwan's Defense Ministry ...
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The dispute, analysts say, underscores a long-running trust deficit between the parties despite their Feb. 29. landmark agreement
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The two journalists Ismail Dukel, the Ankara representative of TELE1 television channel, and Muyesser Yildiz of the OdaTV news website were being questioned ...
The U.S. military offered condolences to Iran over a friendly fire incident in the Islamic Republic that saw an Iranian missile kill 19 Iranian troops, ...
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Jeu de stratégie en temps réel sorti en 2004, Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders vient de ressortir sur PC, via Steam. Développé par Blueside, le jeu, ...
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Around 13,000 migrants have gathered along the Turkish-Greek border, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) said as several thousand migrants were ...
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Ankara, which backs the UN-supported Libyan government in Tripoli, has sent military trainers as well as Syrian fighters to battle rival Libyan forces under ...
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As the latest round of UN-mediated talks between rival military leaders wrapped up in Geneva, both sides reached a draft deal 'to facilitate the safe return of ...
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Week after attorney general overturns Justice Department's recommendation for stiff prison sentence for Trump's friend Roger Stone, public uproar over political ...
Turkey is still building forces in Idlib as Damascus forces advance, but Ankara makes gesture to Moscow in bid for diplomatic solution as UN warns of ...
The Pentagon awarded the cloud computing project to Microsoft in October. Amazon later sued, arguing that Trump's interference and bias against the company ...
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