Lawmakers to use filibuster which requires approval of a supermajority of senators - 60 of 100 members before a bill can go forward
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New York congresswoman Elise Stefanik/ replaces Liz Cheney as conference chair, the number three position in US House of Representatives/
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Daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney has drawn ire of many in her party for denouncing ex-President Donald Trump's claims that he lost the 2020 ...
Handover of children, between ages of three and 14, took place after meeting in city of Qamishli between local officials and Russian government delegation
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Handover of children, between ages of three and 14, took place after meeting in city of Qamishli between local officials and Russian government delegation
The plan parallels some of the corporate tax hike proposals announced last week by President Joe Biden to finance $2 trillion in US infrastructure investment
House impeachment managers show dramatic video of January 6 mayhem at US Capitol, but Trump lawyers say he bears no responsibility for the chaos
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Several Republican lawmakers, while often admonishing Trump, questioned why trial is being held since he is now out of office, or suggested that rioters ...
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The 6-3 ruling on ideological lines with the court's six conservatives in the majority and three liberals dissenting, gives Trump a short-term victory as he ...
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A day before Electoral College meets to formally pick Democrat Joe Biden as America's next president, Donald Trump continues to deny results of November 3 ...
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Lawsuit, announced by Republican attorney general of Texas Ken Paxton, was filed directly with Supreme Court, as is permitted for certain litigation between ...
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Since the EPA's last review of particulate matter, new scientific research shows that even levels below the current standards cause serious health impacts
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National Security Advisor Robert O'Brien spent three days in Vietnam and plans to visit the Philippine's foreign affairs secretary this week
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National Security Advisor Robert O'Brien spent three days in Vietnam and plans to visit the Philippine's foreign affairs secretary this week
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They'll introduce resolutions of disapproval of President Donald Trump's plan to sell Reaper drones, F-35 fighter aircraft, air-to-air missiles and other ...
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