Avec un peu de retard sur le planning habituel, le SELL et GfK ont publié le Top 5 des meilleures ventes de jeux vidéo en France. Un classement légèrement ...
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Chaque semaine, le syndicat des Éditeurs de Logiciels de Loisirs (SELL) publie le classement des ventes de jeux physiques en France. Voici celui de la onzième ...
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The general who commands all US special operations forces told lawmakers Thursday US support is critical to the success of Afghan security forces in standing up ...
That's according to two senior U.S. intelligence officials who weren't authorized to publicly discuss national security matters and spoke to The Associated ...
In VOA Persian interview, Robert Malley says Biden is taking a more principled approach' by pushing for respect of human rights throughout world, including in ...
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Secretary of State Blinken and Pentagon chief Austin will meet with allies in Japan and South Korea to reaffirm trans-Pacific partnerships
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Adviser says Trump is irked that three groups have supported Republican lawmakers who joined Democrats in voting to impeach him over January 6 storming of US ...
ÉTATS-UNIS - Le plan de sauvegarde de l'économie américaine voulu par Joe Biden a été adopté par la chambre basse des États-Unis, amputé du doublement ...
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