The Afghan Defense Ministry said insurgents assaulted outposts in Paktia's Dand-e-Patan district, which borders Pakistan, late Thursday, but Afghan border ...
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Articles similaires à Taliban Raid Kills 14 Afghan Border Forces
Un cessez-le-feu de trois jours conclu entre les Taliban et les forces afghanes doit entrer en vigueur jeudi, après des semaines d'intenses affrontements dans ...
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The Taliban have intensified battlefield attacks since the foreign troop withdrawal started, inflicting heavy casualties on Afghan government forces and ...
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No immediate claims of responsibility but Kabul is on high alert since Washington announced plans to pull out all US troops by Sept. 11
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Pour la première fois de la saison, le SUA a la possibilité de reconduire les 23 joueurs alignés sur la feuille de match le week-end précédant. ...
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The stance comes amid intensified insurgent battlefield attacks, since the United States and NATO began pulling their last remaining troops from the country on ...
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The military said a team of paramilitary forces was moving to install a border fence in the southwestern Zhob district in Baluchistan province when what they ...
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The military said a team of paramilitary forces was moving to install a border fence in the southern Zhob district in Baluchistan province when what they ...
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Bombing comes hours after US, Russian, Pakistani and Chinese officials met with Taliban to press for progress in stalled peace process
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Le président afghan Mohammad Ashraf Ghani a déclaré dimanche que l'Afghanistan était prêt depuis longtemps pour le retrait des forces américaines et de la ...
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Taliban announcement comes just hours after it emerged that US would withdraw its forces from Afghanistan about five months later than Washington had originally ...
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Meanwhile, Russia plans to hold a fresh Afghan peace huddle as preparations are underway for a US-proposed peace conference in Turkey
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Warning comes after US President Joe Biden says 2,500 American troops may still be in Afghanistan beyond May deadline agreed to in year-old pact
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Four crew members of MI-17 helicopter, along with five security personnel, were killed in crash, in Behsud district of Maidan Wradak province
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Les forces de sécurité birmanes ont lancé un raid ce mercredi à Rangoun contre des cheminots grévistes opposés à la junte. Pendant ce temps, l'Onu n'est ...
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Rangoun - Les forces de sécurité birmanes ont lancé un raid mercredi à Rangoun contre des cheminots grévistes opposés à la junte, l'ONU ne parvenant ...
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Rangoun - Les forces de sécurité birmanes ont lancé un raid mercredi à Rangoun contre des cheminots grévistes opposés à la junte, l'ONU ne parvenant ...
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Plusieurs centaines de policiers et de soldats se sont déployées autour de l'enceinte où réside le personnel ferroviaire de la gare Ma Hlwa Gone, dans l'est ...
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