Eta, now a tropical depression that is expected to strengthen, leaves at least 100 dead from floods, mudslides in Central America
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BILAN - Le passage de l'ouragan Eta a fait près de 200 morts en Amérique centrale, dont au moins 150 au Guatemala, selon le dernier bilan. Affaibli en ...
Actualités similaires
Eta, now a tropical depression that is expected to strengthen, leaves at least 100 dead from floods, mudslides in Central America
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US National Hurricane Center says center of storm was about 95 kilometers west of coastal Nicaraguan city of Puerto Cabezas and moving west at about 13 ...
Eta is forecast to become a hurricane overnight and plow into the northeast coast of Nicaragua and adjacent portions of eastern Honduras early Tuesday, the ...
Storm picked up speed Friday morning, moving north around 10 mph (17 kph) and producing top sustained winds of 50 mph (85 kph), forecasters said
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