The Republican-majority U.S. Senate defeated a Democratic attempt Friday to call new witnesses in the impeachment trial of President Donald Trump. The defeat ...
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Les 27 lauréats, et parmi eux trois Belges, de la joute Call for an European Photographer, sont désormais connus. Ils se partagent une somme de 30.000 euros ...
Goya became the target of a consumer boycott after CEO Robert Unanue praised the president at a Hispanic event at the White House last Thursday
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The president says the law stifles infrastructure projects; however, it is credited with ensuring decades of scrutiny of major projects and giving local ...
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Already the 2020 event has seen a venue change to more Trump-friendly territory in Jacksonville, Florida, from Charlotte, North Carolina and it has been ...
Trump did not give details about the larger immigration order he says he plans to sign, only that it will include DACA, and I think people are going to be very ...
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Medical doctors and others agree it's important for kids to go back to school, but there is a risk they will transmit the coronavirus to those more vulnerable ...
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President's presence and sheer numbers of followers seemingly give him unimpeded access to the digital microphone but he is facing limits
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Oromia regional authorities said at least 50 people have been killed in the region following the death of a popular Oromo singer Hachalu Hundessa
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A 2018 Stonewall/YouGov survey found more than half of Black, Asian and other minority LGBT+ Britons experienced discrimination from members of their own ...
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The 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals agrees with a coalition of border states and environmental groups that contend the money transfer is unlawful
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The high court's 7-2 decision applies to people who fail their initial asylum screenings, making them eligible for quick deportation, or expedited removal
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