Officers escorted a shirtless man with blood running down his leg out of the store in handcuffs, but authorities would not say if that was the suspect
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Police First Deputy Superintendent says black sports utility vehicle came speeding down the street and fired on mourners; several of those targeted by shooters ...
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Police said about 2,000 people have been arrested in Oromia Regional State after Hachalu Hundessa was killed June 29 by unidentified attackers
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Police Scotland Assistant Chief Constable Steve Johnson said the incident had been contained and there was no wider risk to the public
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Activists say there has been no groundswell of widespread public support for change in Kenya even as protests have erupted in many parts of the world over ...
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President signed an order Tuesday aimed at curbing police brutality by directing federal dollars to those police departments that meet certain credentialing ...
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Like protesters across the country, the Louisville marchers were incensed by the treatment of George Floyd, a 46-year-old black man who died in Minneapolis ...
George Floyd case and ensuing protests capture attention of ordinary citizens, media outlets and humanitarian leaders around the world
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Breonna Taylor, an emergency medical technician, was shot eight times by narcotics detectives after they knocked down her apartment door on March 13
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