Pastoralists cattle, sheep or camel farmers whose livelihoods depend on animals move from place to place seeking water and pasture
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Articles similaires à Pandemic Poses Double Challenges for African Pastoralists
UN Food and Agriculture Organization forecasts that the number of undernourished people will increase by up to 132 million this year
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The Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces accuse IS sleeper cells and Syrian government proxies of carrying out the attacks to cause instability in the former IS ...
Now that weddings have slowly cranked up under a patchwork of ever-shifting state and local restrictions, horror stories from vendors are rolling in
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Churches are by no means at the top of the list of problematic activities across the US, but they have posed challenges for government leaders and public health ...
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New guidelines on government control of media accreditation, advertising in Jammu and Kashmir will lead to greater self-censorship, region's journalists ...
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Medical doctors and others agree it's important for kids to go back to school, but there is a risk they will transmit the coronavirus to those more vulnerable ...
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South Sudan representatives to the African Union were asked to leave an AU meeting in Ethiopia last week after their government failed to pay millions of ...
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Many migrant workers have filed claims with labor advocate organizations, citing substandard treatment and unfair pay, based on their nationality
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Many migrant workers have filed claims with labor advocate organizations, citing substandard treatment and unfair pay, based on their nationality
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