La ville de Moscou a commencé samedi à vacciner les soignants et enseignants à risque de contracter le Covid-19, qui connaît une nouvelle flambée aux ...
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In an interview with The Associated Press, Barr said US attorneys and FBI agents have been working diligently to follow up on specific complaints and ...
Senators proposed a $908 billion coronavirus relief package in new attempt to help unemployed workers and boost flagging American economy
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Advisory committee meets one day after nearly 139,000 new coronavirus cases and 826 deaths were reported in nation, according to Johns Hopkins University
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US biotechnology company's request could mean that health workers will be able to inoculate patients against virus as soon as mid-December
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ÉTATS-UNIS - Bien qu'il ait donné son feu vert au début de la transition vers une administration Biden, le président sortant refuse toujours de reconnaître ...
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Governors and mayors are ratcheting up mask mandates and imposing restrictions on small indoor gatherings that have been blamed for accelerating the spread of ...
The move clears the way for the start of the transition of Trump's administration and allows Biden to coordinate with federal agencies on plans for taking over ...
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