In late December, five who lost loved ones in the plane crash told VOA Persian they felt Canada was not doing enough to put Iran on trial at the International ...
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Lawyer tells VOA Persian he was informed Dec. 30 that a Tehran court sentenced writer Arash Ganji on national security charges that had no relation to Ganji's ...
In VOA Persian interview, informed source said Mehrdad Bakhtiari, uncle of slain protester Pouya Bakhtiari, learned that he received a 5-year suspended sentence ...
A reciprocal access agreement due to be reached next year would let Japanese and Australian troops train in each other's territories
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Sudan's Justice Ministry says agreement will settle cases brought against Sudan in US courts, including for bombing of US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in ...
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The deal will intensify political, trade and strategic cooperation, replacing key elements of an existing partnership agreement between Ukraine and the EU
Several cases show how Chinese police are working through Thai law enforcement agencies, or even traveling to Thailand on their own, to try to find fleeing ...
In a statement, Evanina provided the US intelligence agencies' most recent assessment of election threats to the November presidential election
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In Sunday interview, top US diplomat warned that deeper Chinese relations with Iran would destabilize Mideast, a risk some analysts say Beijing will accept ...
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Australian Defense Minister Linda Reynolds said the two countries will build ties across a slew of defense areas including hypersonic, electronic and ...
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Par Jubin Katiraie Le gouvernement iranien tente de faire accepter par l'opinion publique iranienne l'accord de 25 ans qu'il a conclu avec la Chine, dont les ...
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Arsham Rezaee tells VOA Persian the prison term upheld Saturday by an Iranian appeals court was based on bogus charges which his lawyer was unable to defend ...
Beijing is reported to be in final stages of approving a $400 billion economic and security deal with Tehran, which some analysts say could give China a vast ...
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