Two weeks after George Floyd's death in police custody sparked nationwide protests, Democrats led by black members of the US Congress are set to introduce ...
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Law enforcement officials believe radical agitators seeded themselves among non-violent protesters but are unsure how much impact they had
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Police officer who held Floyd down on city street now faces second-degree murder charge; three other officers are charged with abetting killing
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Prosecutors charged a Minneapolis police officer accused of pressing his knee against George Floyd's neck with second-degree murder, and for the first time ...
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Thousands of protesters in major world cities defied a virus-related lockdowns and rallied against racial injustice and heavy-handed police tactics, as global ...
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EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell's remarks in Brussels were the strongest so far to come out of the 27-nation bloc, saying Floyd's death was a result of an ...
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Many of the people killed were African Americans, compounding the tragedy for black families to lose more members of their community amid the unrest
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George Floyd case and ensuing protests capture attention of ordinary citizens, media outlets and humanitarian leaders around the world
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Democrats' presumptive presidential nominee also accuses President Donald Trump, without mentioning him by name, of inciting violence
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The demonstration began as a peaceful protest, but news outlets reported protesters began throwing objects like water bottles and police responded with tear gas
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Across platforms, many Wuhan residents and others speak out against China's response to the coronavirus outbreak, yet beneath the outrage some just 'go about ...
Dr Li Wenliang, 34, an ophthalmologist who worked at the Wuhan Central Hospital in central China, died in the early hours Friday local time
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The 34-year-old ophthalmologist died overnight at Wuhan Central Hospital, where he worked and likely contracted the virus while treating patients in the early ...