Court convicts Francois Fillon for using public funds to pay his wife for work never done; Penelope Fillion convicted as an accomplice, both will appeal
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Thousands of people assembled earlier for a demonstration in memory of Adama Traore, a 24-year-old black Frenchman who died in a 2016 police operation
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Mustafa al-Kadhimi's election this month was welcomed by both the United States and Iran, raising questions about whether the new leader could maintain what ...
Demandez le programme ! Tout chaud, à peine sorti du four ! Alors que Puyo replonge dans l'offre Action-RPG sous sa forme habituelle avec Trials of Mana, vos ...
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Les articles publiés par Libnanews, le média citoyen du Liban ON THE OTHER SIDE OF TIME is a permanent site-specific public art installation located in the ...
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Recent decision by government in Jakarta not to repatriate hundreds of its citizens suspected of membership in the Islamic State terror group has set off a ...
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Catherine Pugh pleaded guilty to fraud and tax evasion for raking in hundreds of thousands of dollars by selling her her self-published children's book to local ...
Raqqa, the former self-proclaimed Islamic State capital now under the control of the U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces, has become a safe haven for ...
L'Assemblée nationale va demander 1.081.219 euros de dommages et intérêts à l'ancien Premier ministre et candidat à l'élection présidentielle 2017 ...
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French President Emmanuel Macron unveiled a plan to protect glaciers and biodiversity in the French mountains. During a visit to the Alpine resort town of ...
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The Scottish National Party (SNP) wants a second referendum to be held now that Britain has left the European Union, as a majority north of the border with ...
Throngs of Kenyans Saturday morning lined Nairobi streets waiting to enter Kenya's Parliament Buildings to view the body of the country's second president, ...
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Three Iraqi officials say former communications minister Mohammed Allawi has been named prime minister-designate by rival factions
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