International students whose studies and immigration status have undergone changes during President Donald Trump's administration say they hope their stays will ...
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Articles similaires à Foreign Students Look Forward to Visa Stability
The department previously opened investigations at Georgetown University and Texas A&M as part of a campaign to scrutinize foreign funding and to improve ...
India's foreign ministry in a statement said the New Delhi-based envoys would meet representatives of the civil society, including youth from different ethnic ...
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An energized Guaidó told cheering supporters at a public square in the capital of Caracas late Tuesday that he is armed with the backing of the free world to ...
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President Donald Trump is proposing a steep 21% cut in aid the United States provides to foreign countries, and the State Department says it stands by the draft ...
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Foreign assistance would be slashed by 21% if the president's budget for the next fiscal year is approved by Congress, which seems unlikely
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Cette semaine dans notre émission hebdo de jeux vidéo, une planète à explorer, un arbre à reconstituer, et des pages à retrouver.
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For decades the vibrant styles, colors, and glamour of African fashion have graced catwalks around the world, but some designers say African fashion needs more ...
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Pyongyang takes more steps to seal borders with goal to protect a nation that is likely ill-equipped to handle coronavirus outbreak
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Wuhan, China, home to the quickly spreading coronavirus is also a major university town that hosts thousands of foreign students including many Afghan students. ...
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Separate complaints were filed with requests for the Department of Homeland Security to investigate the officials who the two said illegally denied them entry ...
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Cette semaine dans notre émission hebdo de jeux vidéo, une planète à explorer, un arbre à reconstituer, et des pages à retrouver.
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Cette semaine dans notre émission hebdo de jeux vidéo, une planète à explorer, un arbre à reconstituer, et des pages à retrouver.
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The school says it's being done to combat distractions and increase learning but some students don't seem to be coping well with the separation
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A defense white paper recommends stepping up military relations with nine other Southeast Asian nations and possibly with China's rival, the United States
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The Trump administration is unveiling new visa restrictions aimed at restricting a practice known as 'birth tourism' women who travel to the US to give birth ...
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Comments come a day after European signatories said they have no choice but to invoke dispute resolution mechanism after Iran took 'increasingly severe' steps ...
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