Among other initiatives, US leader will attempt to reunite 600 children separated from their parents at the US-Mexican border by Trump immigration agents
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Election law experts see this as the last, dying gasp of Trump campaign and say there's no question Biden will walk into Oval Office come January
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President-elect vows to ease limits on temporary workers, loosen visa restrictions for international students, halt border wall construction and end private ...
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Trump has refused to concede his defeat while he pursues long-shot legal claims that the November 3 vote was rigged against him and he has blocked his ...
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Michigan judge rejects Republican bid to prevent certification of election results in predominantly Democratic Detroit area, undercutting prospects of similar ...
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Michigan judge rejects Republican bid to prevent certification of election results in predominantly Democratic Detroit area, undercutting prospects of similar ...
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US leader claims lawsuits alleging voting and vote-counting fraud will overturn his election loss, but widespread wrongdoing has yet to emerge
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US leader claims lawsuits alleging voting and vote-counting fraud will overturn his election loss, but widespread wrongdoing has yet to emerge
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The lawsuit claims Pennsylvania officials violated the U.S. Constitution by creating a two-tiered voting system where voting in-person was subject to more ...
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Democratic candidate Joe Biden's electoral leads over President Trump in Pennsylvania has increased my more than 30,000 votes and in Georgia to over 4,000 as ...
With just two days of campaigning left before Election Day, President Donald Trump and his Democratic challenger, former Vice President Joe Biden, will once ...
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Donald Trump et Joe Biden ont abordé les sujets de fond lors de leur dernier face-à-face qui s'est déroulé à Nashville dans le Tennessee, avant la ...
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