Secretary of state meeting with Afghan President Ashraf Ghani, chief executive Abdullah Abdullah, and civic figures, a day after Biden announced that remaining ...
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Secretary of state meeting with Afghan President Ashraf Ghani, chief executive Abdullah Abdullah, and civic figures, a day after Biden announced that remaining ...
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Announcement comes after US Postal Service in March outlined a proposed 10-year strategic plan that would slow current first-class delivery standards and raise ...
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The speech will give Biden an opportunity to give a sales pitch to millions of viewers for his $2.3 trillion infrastructure proposal, which is the subject of a ...
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President picks Chris Magnus, police chief in Tucson, Arizona, to lead US Customs and Border Protection agency, and Ur Jaddou as director of US Citizenship and ...
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The initiative reflects growing recognition that pandemic-caused economic turmoil has hampered some countries' conservation and climate efforts
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Republican Senator Roy Blunt on Sunday urged Biden to significantly scale back the plan if he wanted Republican lawmakers' support
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Le président américain Joe Biden s'est félicité lundi de l'accélération spectaculaire du rythme de vaccination aux États-Unis mais a appelé les ...
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Le président des États-Unis a tenu jeudi sa première conférence de presse à la Maison-Blanche. À cette occasion, il a mis l'accent sur son plan de ...
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$3 trillion proposal will be first step by administration to keep promise Biden made during presidential campaign to help nation 'Build Back Better'; Republican ...
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Le président américain Joe Biden a fixé jeudi un objectif de 200 millions d'injections de vaccin contre le Covid-19 dans ses 100 premiers jours à la Maison ...
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