Officials say more than 1,800 Rohingyas arrived at Bhasan Char aboard several ships, a day after leaving overcrowded, squalid camps in Cox's Bazar district
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Fedir Hladyr was one of three Ukrainians arrested in mid-2018 for hacking more than 100 U.S. companies and stealing millions of credit and debit card numbers, ...
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UN officials are trying to dissuade Kenyan authorities from closing two sprawling refugee camps that many have called home for the past three decades
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The group is calling for unhindered access to conduct investigations and encouraging business to scrutinize their supply chains for evidence of forced labor ...
The signing is viewed as a crucial step in efforts by the power-sharing government headed by General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan to reach accords with rebel groups ...
Après l'incendie meurtrier qui a ravagé un immense camp de réfugiés rohingyas dans le sud-est du Bangladesh, une jeune femme enceinte témoigne. Un enfant ...
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L'incendie qui a ravagé un camp de réfugiés Rohingyas au Bangladesh a fait au moins 15 morts et 400 disparus, a annoncé mardi l'Agence des Nations unies ...
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Un incendie, qui s'est déclaré lundi, a détruit un immense camp de réfugiés rohingyas dans le sud-est du Bangladesh, forçant des milliers de personnes ...
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The fire ripped through the Balukhali camp near the southeastern town of Cox's Bazar late on Monday, burning through thousands of hutments as people scrambled ...
The fire at Balukhali camp in Cox's Bazar district broke out in the late afternoon and spread quickly through at least four blocks
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The Indian government does not recognize the UN Refugee Convention, state's obligation to protect refugees, and treats the Rohingya as 'illegal migrants'
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