Through order 7097/2020 issued today, the Italian Council of State says yes to the use of hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for Covid-19, provided it is ...
Pentagon says Anthony Tata tested positive after meeting with Lithuanian delegation, including Defense Minister Raimundas Karoblis, who has tested positive for ...
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Foreign travelers were banned from Australia to curb the spread of COVID-19 in March, but citizens and permanent residents have been allowed to come home
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British-based charity Save the Children called on world leaders for a renewed commitment to advocating for girls around the world at Thursday's UN General ...
A night-time curfew has ended, and all primary schools will reopen in two weeks' time, while about 130,000 people will be allowed back to work
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The Victorian state government has said there will be a staged easing of lockdown measures in the coming months if infection rates decline
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