Leading Salafi scholar who tried to mediate talks between al-Shabab and the Somali government in 2009 says group is now more extreme than ever and unlikely to ...
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Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif responded on Sunday by tweeting an excerpt from the interview with 'Der Spiegel,' where he said Iran is still open ...
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Le commandement militaire américain en Afrique nie que des soldats kenyans se soient cachés pendant l'attaque d'une base le 5 janvier dernier.
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Majority of deaths occurred in Somalia, according to records compiled by the independent group Armed Conflict, Location and Event Data Project, or ACLED
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Three US Department of Defense personnel, including one US soldier, were killed Sunday when fewer than 20 al-Shabab fighters assaulted the Manda Bay Airfield, ...
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